Tano, Ahlana

Commanding Officer, Corellian Comet

Ahlana came to Earth not so long ago, from a galaxy far, far away. How exactly, nobody knows; but the writing room producers, after a socially distanced liquid lunch in their pyjamas, probably thought the World between Worlds needed some intermundial public transport. Unfortunately, it was a weekend and the transport was changed to a bus replacement service. So instead of visiting her sister on her birthday, Youngling Tano found herself stranded in the rain on a Tuesday afternoon, wearing an ill-advised outfit, somewhere just outside Stevenage. Still waiting for the writing room to reason how she became a Starfleet Captain and why she replaced her montrals and lekku with a somewhat elaborate and over elongated white towel with a blue stripe.

Corellian Comet, Hazari Destroyer Class