Mbaye, Dija G.


Commanding Officer, USS Vanguard, NCC-91326

Growing up on a lion reserve in the savannas of Senegal, Mbaye was taught the tracking and hunting traditions of her ancestors at an early age. She followed in her parents footsteps and became a Ranger, tasked with protecting West African Wildlife, but when she was forced to kill a lion who attacked a party of tourists, Dija gave up her position, enrolled with Starfleet and graduated as a Security Officer. She became a specialist Away Team Leader and rose to be Chief of Security on the USS Leonidas, before transferring to Command and eventually earning her first captaincy of the USS Vanguard.

[MIA] - Officially lost along with the USS Vanguard while investigating an anomaly in the B'Moth Sector

USS Vanguard, NCC-91326, New Orleans Class