

Commanding Officer, IKS Drah'Gorra

An outcast from birth, for having the wrong skin, Qallandra’s earliest memories were of working on an interplanetary garbage scow. When it was raided by Nausicaan pirates her harsh life became unspeakable misery as the plaything of a pirate captain. In time she found some comfort with a fellow slave girl, an Andorian called Shiv, and together, through seducing crew, sowing distrust, and plain devious deceit, they planted the seeds of their freedom.

During an engagement with KDF pirate hunters, they got the captain to execute the supposedly traitorous comms officer, the first mate to assassinate the captain, the loyal tactical officer to kill the mutinous first mate, and the jealous operations officer to strangle the tactical officer. Qallandra poisoned the tactical officer with a kiss and Shiv stabbed the helmsman, then together they shot the last of the bridge crew, the engineering officer. After dropping shields and signalling the KDF to board, they won their release and their eventual entrance to the KDF Academy. When Qallandra violently replaced the captain of the Drah’Gorra, she installed Shiv as her first mate and together they ply the stars like a veritable Bonnie and Bonnie.

IKS Drah'Gorra, Peghqu' Class