Kavereaux, Natasha


Commanding Officer, USS Illustrious, NCC-94072

Natasha’s passions were always physical; she loved to use her fingers and enjoyed getting dirty, so it was no surprise when she joined Starfleet’s Corp of Engineers. Excelling at the practical and loathing the esoteric, she had a particular disdain for temporal mechanics at the Academy and it was no small irony when she was thrust into the future at the Battle of Caleb IV. In the 25th Century, having progressed to be the Chief Engineer on the USS Endurance, she transferred to the Command Branch and returned to the Endurance as her captain. Exploring the furthest reaches of the galaxy, Natasha longs fondly for the time when skirts were shorter, switches were flickable and plot resolutions were distinctly cheesy.

[KIA] - Killed during an engagement with the Breen in the Kelvani Belt, SD92856.1

USS Illustrious, NCC-94072, Shepherd Class